I know that this post is late, but I have been trying to get pictures to post from my card onto my computer and have been having all kinds of problems, but since it seems to be working I will update my boring blog.
This blog entry is for Gio; Abi's awesome friend from Ohio who was planning on coming to Utah for conference, and then was unable to make it. So Gio.......Not to make you feel bad for missing it, but to share the experience with you here are some pictures.
I don't know why I looked so scared in this picture.....lol
Anyway, we were blessed to have very close seats so that we were literally sitting at the feet of the Prophets. A nice story, we had 2 extra seats, because Gio couldn't make it out. Not wanting them to go to waste, we gave them to a gentleman who asking for tickets as we were walking towards the conference center. After we had taken our seats, this man came over to us, asked us if we were the ones who had given him the tickets. When we told him yes, he then told us this story. His 14 yr old son had just received his patriarchal blessing, and in it it told him that he would sit at the feet of the Prophets to be instructed in the ways of the Lord. And there he was, a prophecy fulfilled.
One of my favorite talks given was by Bishop H. Burke Peterson. He spoke about the "ity" virtues. Virtues in today's society that might be missing, virtues like, RESPONSIBILITY, HUMILITY, MORALITY, CIVILITY, HONESTY, FIDELITY, GENEROSITY, SPIRITUALITY, CREDIBILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY, CHARITY, INTEGRITY were just some of the ITY virtues that he spoke about. He said that Integrity is the mother of all virtues. That if Integrity is lost, all the rest of the virtues are impossible to keep. I am grateful for the reminder from living latter day Prophets, who are inspired to give a sermon on things designed to help make us better individuals.
Then to sit at the feet of a Prophet of God. To hear President Monson speak about Service. "What have I done for someone else today?" That if I look outside of myself and my life, and my troubles, there will be ways to serve somebody every single day!!! What an awesome thought. I can be of service, I might just make a difference in someone else's life.
Other various thoughts from conference......
"Do I find myself int he thick or thin of things? Am I focused on what really matters?"
"There are no monthly service fees with communication to Heaven."
"Using the safety equipment provided to us is a choice. One we must choose to enjoy."
"Resist all distractions that would remove us from the iron rod"
"We obey, not by force but by desire"
I am grateful to be a member of the Living church. To have a Living Prophet of God, who teaches and guides us to be better than we were yesterday, IF we choose to follow him. I know that these things are true, Gio. I know that true happiness in found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I have never been to a general conference! I need to change that! I love to learn and listen to the words of wisdom given by God's men on earth. Thanks for reminding me of the "itys" I loved that talk. Now when I hear a word ending in ity I will remember to have more integrity.
ReplyDeleteYou have always been an aexample to me! Thanks for being such a great sister!
I just noticed this post, and it made me tear up a bit. I really wished I could have been there with you all. The first time I saw Pres. Monson, I instantly fell in love with him and his presence. I really wanted to come to conference just so I could sit in the same room as him. I really missed out!!! Thanks for the tribute. I love all you and thanks so much for your love and your prayers. That is a very nice picture of em, mom, and dad. Wish I could have been in that picture!!!